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Baru Mulai Belajar Filanesia

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Sepakbola di Indonesia sudah cukup tua. Saya sendiri heran, begitu banyak talenta dahsyat dari Indonesia tapi kok minim prestasi? Passtinya bukan cuma saya aja ya? Nah, sejak beberapa tahun belakangan ini, PSSI mulai berbenah dan sepertinya benar-benar mencari solusi untuk prestasi. Studi banding ke Negara-negara berprestasi dalam hal sepakbola pastinya dilakukan. Mulai dengan mendatangkan pelatih sekelas Luis Milla, kemudian belajar langsung ke Jerman, dan masih banyak lagi. Tapi, kok belum ada prestasi??
Yaaaaa..PASTI belum ada lah, proses nya sangat panjang.
Sepakbola Indonesia Berprestasi, itu memerlukan andil dari banyak pihak. Tidak hanya PSSI saja, Pemerintah, Klub, Pemain dan keluarganya, Supporter dan yang pasti Allah S.W.T.

Di atas saya sengaja memunculkan logo FILANESIA, ini berkaitan dengan tulisan saya setelah ini..hihi..yah semacam Teaser atau Trailer kalo di dunia perfilm-an.

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Mulai menulis lagi

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 Assalamualaikum sobat blogger.. Saya udh lama banget gak nulis di blog. Bismillah, Inshaa Allah mulai saat ini saya akan mulai kembali menulis. Mungkin ke depannya, di Blog ini akan banyak tulisan tentang sepakbola.
 Awalnya sih saya pengin pakai domain khusus untuk tulisan saya ini..tapi, kembali ke niat awal. Ketika tulisan saya ini bermanfaat baik, biar tahan lama gitu manfaatnya..jadi saya nulis ini di blog gratisan..dengan harapan mbah Google bisa lebih lama pelihara blog saya daripada kalo saya bayar terus-terusan tiap tahun di hosting berbayar..hihihi..Selain itu, kalo saya mati..Inshaa Allah tulisan saya tetap masih bisa dibaca dan diambil sisi positifnya.
 Sebelum membahas sepakbola, alangkah baiknya berkenalan dulu yaa. Nama saya Suryo Sentanu. Tidak memiliki latar belakang sebagai pemain sepakbola profesional sama sekali. Ingat ya, belum pernah sama sekali menjadi pemain profesional sama sekali. Bermain tarkam saja sangat jarang. Sepakbola pun bukan olahraga pertama yang saya kenali, malahan lebih dahulu mengenal Bulutangkis. Ya, karena ayah saya pelaku dan penggemar berat bulutangkis. Tapi, ayah saya juga lah "pelatih" pertama saya di dalam dunia sepakbola. Setelah itu, perkenalan saya dengan sepakbola dimulai di "lingkungan baru" saya.

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Teror, Teroris, Anti Teror

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Indonesia (yang peduli) saat ini dibuat bingung dengan Teror,Teroris, dan Anti Teror..
Gmana gak bingung, katanya Si Gembong Teroris (Nurdin M Top) udah ketangkep dan katanya udah Mati (keterangan dari Media)..Tapi ternyata, hari ini muncul keterangan Resmi dari yang berwenang bahwa yg digrebeg,dimatiin (kayak lampu aja),ditangkep di Dusun Beji,Temanggung kemaren bukan Noordin M Top (mohon ralat kalo salah Alamat..hehe)..

Saya sendiri nonton siaran langsung pertandingan Densus 88 vs Teroris(tersangka) mulai Jum'at malem skitar jm 22 (mpe tidur di depan TV),,Setelah mendengarkan keterangan dari Media dan melihat Lokasi dari layar Televisi, kepercayaan kalo itu markas Teroris mulai muncul..ditambah ada tembakan balasan dr dalam rumah tersangka (itu kata mbak yg jd reporter lho..)
Tapi..apa yg terjadi..:konslet:

Koq paginya ada keterangan yg Janggal. Di dalam rumah cuma ada 1 Orang,yg diduga sebagai Noordin M Top (lho koq sebagai?kya Film aja..hehe..). Mulai deh gak percaya kalo yg di dalem rumah itu si Noordin. Tp koq mereka yakin bgt ya?Ya sudahlah,b'doa aja semoga emang Noordin M Top. Lah,malah kata si Mbak&Mas reporter "dari dalam rumah terdengar suara rintihan, kemudian mengaku kalo "Saya Noordin..." (gak jelas,pake M Top ato Tenkt*p)"

Lah,dah tau si Teroris itu ngaku kalo dia Noordin M Top,koq ya Percaya gtu..Kalo saya koq tetep gak percaya y?? Ato mereka lupa, Maling gak Mungkin teriak "Saya Maling" dan Kucing teriak "Saya Kucing" ??

berhubung yg melaksanakan Penggrebegan itu tim paling dipercaya (oleh Media)..ya sudah,orang2 trima aja tuh kata2 "Noordin M Top dipastikan Tewas"..( Maap ya,sy tetep gak percaya e..).

Hampir bersamaan dengan itu, Tertangkap(bunuh) pula teroris2 di Jakarta dan sekitarnya.Pastinya makin menambah imej Tim Anti Teror makin bagus!

Tapi,lambat laun mulai dimunculkan kejanggalan2 bahwa yg terbunuh (dibunuh) itu adalah Noordin M Top. (dalam hati..tuh kan,dy bukan Noordin..). Dan Akhirnya hari ini (12 Agustus 2009)...

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Improve Traffic, Sales and Backlinks in 48 Hours

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Fwd: Do You Really Want Your Site on Page One of Google?

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Do You Really Want
Your Site on Page One of Google?

By Paul Marshall (c) 2009

Featured Video: Submitting to DMOZ

Do you really want your website on page one of Google for your chosen keyword phrase(s)? What do you want your marketing online campaign to accomplish for you?

I asked a potential new SEO Coaching client last week this first question. From my end of the phone call, it sounded as if he almost fell out of his chair!

I followed up by asking him if he could ever think of ANY reason for his website pages NOT to be found on page 1 in the Google SERPs (search engine results pages).

How 'bout you? Can you think of any reasons you'd NOT want your pages to be found for your targeted keyword phrases on page 1?

Keep in mind, I'm talking about your chosen keyword search phrases.

I can think of at least 3 reasons. Maybe you can come up with some as well.

Is there Commercial Intent?

Let's say you have not just a page 1 Google result, but you're actually the first result. Here is an important question for you to ask yourself.

What is the commercial intent of this keyword phrase? Do the words contained in the keyword phrase give any indication of someone getting ready to spend money on a product or service like you provide?

For instance, compare these keyword phrases: Keyword Research, Keyword Research Specialist and Keyword Research Consultant. The latter 2 phrases give an indication of someone who is getting ready to spend money.

You can also Google the Microsoft Commercial Intent Tool and consider its results when evaluating your keyword search phrase choices.

If you are targeting a keyword phrase that has questionable commercial intention at best, is there any reason to really be found on page 1? Wouldn't it be better to target more appropriate phrases instead?

If there's no commercial intent, how does that help your online marketing?

Can you see where I'm going?

How Much Traffic Really Matters

Now, I'm giving you a choice: you can have a first page result (with commercial intent) and your position number is 4.

Your other choice is a different keyword search phrase with a second page result, position number 12, also with commercial intent.

So, the choice is obvious?

Well, I forgot to give you the rest of the details.

The first page choice has monthly search queries for its phrase of 3,240.

The second page result choice has monthly search queries for its phrase of 22,167.

Do you still believe that the best choice in this example is the first page result?

According to numbers from Aaron Wall's site, approximately 6% of search users will click on that number 4 result in Google. That's 194 visitors in a month.

This is figuring average title and description tags of typical online marketíng ability to convert to a click. "Your mileage may vary."

And for that second choice, the second page result? Over 1% should click on the search result, but let's use just 1%. That's 222 visitors per month.

Last time I checked, 222 is more than 194, so the second page result trumps the first page result, because the second page result has greater traffic that can convert to a transaction.

How Many Google AdWords Ads Show for your Chosen Keyword?

If you don't see many AdWords ads, this should be a warning!

One of 2 problems exist (or both):

     1. There isn't enough traffic for AdWords advertisers to target the phrase.      2. There isn't commercial viability for the phrase. Either way, is a first page result going to help you? Probably not.

The Value of a Committed Searcher

Want a recipe to waste your time (or your employees')? Get a first page result in Google for your keyword search phrase and place your toll-free phone number in big numbers on the top right of each of your Web pages.

People clicking the first result in the SERPs are often less serious than those who go through the first few results or who continue searching onto the second page.

There may be something to be said for avoiding people who almost randomly click the first result and who may have impulse control "issues".

Now, if you have a large staff to answer your incoming phone calls AND if your conversion rate from those calls is strong, then the potential problem I described probably isn't a problem for your business.

On the other hand, if you are a solo professional, this strategy can be hazardous!

How are you going to perform your paid work when you get "Internet lookiloos" asking you questions they could get answered, if they would simply read a few words on your website?

Are these the best potential clients for your services or products and the best use of your time?

A second page result could bring you more serious potential customers, people who might be more likely to actually READ your website content, understand your products or services better and who might be more likely to convert to a transaction.

It's sure something to think about. :-)

Don't get me wrong. I'm not against first page rankings for your marketing. I'm just for thinking a little further down the road than JUST first page rankings.

About The Author
Marketing online since 2004, Paul Marshall can help you market on a budget. He's an Online Marketíng Consultants expert, offering marketing services (and d-i-y Coaching). You can learn more about Paul on his Affordable SEO LinkedIn profile and at Strategic Web Marketing.net.

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